Christy Lingo, Simple Solutions Organizing / Professional Organizer in Columbus, Ohio

I help customers create custom organization plans and time saving solutions. My services include home organizing in kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms and other storage areas, packing and unpacking for moving, and concierge/errand running services for busy people. I trained for my career as a professional organizer by growing up in a large, busy family with a very organized mother and living in small spaces (no larger than 1300 square feet in my adult life). I pride myself on making the most of the space that you have and helping you make decisions on what to keep there. Proud member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO).


Basement Organization & Decluttering Bathrooms Bedrooms Children's Rooms Closet Organizing & Cleaning Clutter Elimination & Coaching Decluttering & Reorganization Email Management Errands Event Planning Furniture Placement Consulting Game & Play Rooms Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions) Home Organization Home Staging (Homes for Sale) Kitchens Laundry Rooms Living Room Move-ins Move-ins & Move-outs Move-outs Moving Planning & Preparation National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) Member Office Organization On-Going Support And Maintenance Services One Room Or The Whole House Organizing Workshops Pantries Paperwork Organization & Management Presentation Training Public Speaking Recycling Relocation Small Spaces Space Planning Space Repurposing Total House Organization And De-cluttering
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