New Year, New Beginnings. If your not keen on winter and the cold outside, now is the perfect time to declutter and downsize. Once the space is empty, we can get to work and make the space inviting and relaxing while waiting for spring. I offer sue-lutions that work for you, no matter what you need help with. Have that space that drives you crazy, or things all over the place and can't find anything. I can help you save time and money. I have many services for the home and office as well as Senior Concierge, Home Staging and easonal Décor. And if you need some help with something that doesn't fall under any category, No Problem, My Sue-lution! Just might work for you. Call me and we can discuss. Serving anywhere from London to Niagara and everywhere in between. Visit my website for more information at www.solutionsbysue.ca or visit me on facebook, solutions by sue.
Baby Boomer Downsizing
Basement Organization & Decluttering
Children's Rooms
Closet Organizing & Cleaning
Clutter Elimination & Coaching
Combined / Blended Households
Coordinating Dual Residences
Craft Rooms
Decluttering & Reorganization
Estate Organizing
Filing & Storage Systems
Garage Organization (Cleaning, Storage Solutions)
Holiday Decor & Storage
Home Offices
Home Organization
Large And Small Areas
Laundry Rooms
Living Room
Office Organization
One Room Or The Whole House
Organizing Workshops
Paperwork Organization & Management
Personal Shopping
Residential Organizing
Residential Organizing And Downsizing
Senior Care, Property Management
Senior Downsizing & Transitioning
Small Business
Small Spaces
Space Planning
Total House Organization And De-cluttering
Your Problem.....My Sue-Lution!