Professional Organizer & Productivity Consultant for Residential and Business clients. I bring 30 + years of business experience with me to my Organizing business. I am a member of NAPO (National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals) - which has a strict code of ethics for Professional Organizers. I am also a member of the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) - their mission is to provide education, research and strategies
to benefit people affected by chronic disorganization and hoarding, and the professionals who work with them.
For businesses, I can do everything from organizing your work space, forms design, paper/file and time management, productivity, workflow analysis, H.R. and employee issues and much more.
For residential clients, I cover all of the living areas, kitchens, bedrooms, basements, garages, home offices, closets and anything else you can think of ! I can help with seniors downsizing, moving, unpacking and more. Staging for a sale. I can design spreadsheets to Organize everything in your life including vacations, household items, prescriptions and anything else that needs to be documented! I can help organize all of your medical, legal and financial information (either with a paper system or a computerized system). I can help with clutter control and show you how to streamline your home and your life.
I can help with organizing your estate, all of your information and your life. Having a system in place for processing all of your mail, bills and any other paperwork - will make your life a lot easier and a lot less stressful.
I give seminars on various organizing issues such as Time Management & Productivity; Estate/Life Organizing; Paper/File Management; Clutter, Chronic Disorganization & Hoarding; How to Start the Year Organized Without Stress; Organizing for Stress Free Holidays; Basic Organizing Issues... and more.
I also work with Seniors, people with Traumatic Brain Injuries, people with Aspergers, ADHD, BiPolar and more.
My clients range from people that need just a little bit of help organizing their home - to people with severe chronic disorganization and hoarding issues.
I help families from out of state that have loved ones in Montana who need help with downsizing, moving to an assisted living facility, clearing out an estate and more. I work with executors to help them with the many aspects involved in estate organizing.
As seen on the "Hoarders" T.V. show. Now a Certified Medicaid Provider in Missoula County.
I started the Missoula Hoarding Task Force to bring education about hoarding issues out into the open.
I run a 16-week workshop for people with chronic disorganization and hoarding issues - called "Buried in Treasures ('BIT') - (virtually). I also run an Advanced Clutter Hoarding Coaching group. I also have a condensed 8-week class (based on BIT). These workshops are Virtual - with people from all over the world attending (it's awesome!).
I offer Life Coaching & Business Coaching and Virtual Organizing - all over the world!
Visit the Products page of my Organizing website for all types of Checklists and Planners, including " 4 Weeks to Declutter Your Life & Mind for More Focus"
For Life / Business Coaching - visit my new website entirely devoted to Coaching -
Visit the Products page of my Coaching website for some great self-paced workshops and planners:
Goal Setting BootCamp
Self-Care Bootcamp – Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Self Care Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs
Business Budgeting Planner
Busting Your Money Blocks Planner
Productivity & Time Management Planner
North By Northwest is now offering Unlimited Breakthrough Laser Coaching Sessions. Ask for details.
Call me at (440) 666 - 9326 for a FREE Discovery Coaching session.
Member: National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO)
Member: Institute For Challenging Disorganization (ICD)
Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization
Certificate of Study in Basic Hoarding Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in Understanding the Needs of the Elderly CD Client
Certificate of Study in Basic ADD Issues with the CD Client
Certificate of Study in CD Client Administration
Certificate of Study in Life Transitions
Certificate of Study in Time Management and Productivity
Certificate of Study in Interpersonal Intelligence
Certificate of Study in Mental Health Conditions and Challenges Affecting the CD Client
CD Specialist - Level II Certificate
Hoarding Specialist - Level II Certificate
Coach Training Alliance Certified Coach... See More
Highlights: Short Term Or Long Term Help, Home Decorating And Staging, Phone Sessions, Consultant, Attics, Estate Cleanouts, Wardrobe Consulting, Space Design, Estate Organizing, Team Organizing, New Move And Unpacking Organization, Office-Home And Business, Patient, Wardrobe, One On One Personal Shopping, Large And Small Areas, National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) Member, Medical Offices, Planning, Specialties: Helping Seniors